This wouldn't be a legit China blog with out Mickey Mouse scattered
throughout. This is the local, over-priced "Home Depot" called B&Q
(I think it is British). One can of paint cost about $60.00 or more. You see,
if you buy the $15.00 can it will come off on your clothes as you walk by and
brush up against it. So what choice did we have other than get ripped off by
Mickey-Mouse-loving, uneducated-about-paint (but very nice) , B&Q sales people? |
Here we chose our colors. For some reason they have a very hard time making
truly deep colors. They had to redo my grey several times. They only had one
can of the paint we wanted so this process took several days and trips to
different places. |
PAINT! We had someone paint, then spend several days re-edging and
cleaning paint off the floors, but we were happy to help out a village guy
in his endeavor to become a painter to get through university. I have found
that most normal things here you can do while helping someone at the same
time. Like buying coffee for example, I can buy great coffee while at the same
time helping women receive fair treatment, etc. |
LIGHTS! What to choose? |
Resting from our decision making. |
The light I chose, no those are not fish, they are modern ribbons.
This does not give off all the light I will need so I am going to get a really
neat lamp I saw (pictures to come) and a bedside reading lamp too. |
Measuring the Sun Room/Great room for lights.
They ended up looking perfect. They, of course,
were installed for free : ) |
Now this is funny. Of course China would have what the local-foreigners (oxymoron)
have wisely dubbed "fak-kea". This is Furniture 11 and it is
basically an over priced Ikea, they even had
the infamous Swedish dala horses. |
We didn't buy any furniture, we just got ideas and planned our cheaper solutions. |
I did, however, buy some neat jars for a tea corner I am making in my room(!!!!),
Also a neat loofah and some wooden flower pot holders sewn together. I think
I might paint them and hang them in a pattern on my wall, or something.
Pictures to come. |
Fabric market. Seriously, they have huge markets for
EVERYTHING! Here L. M. picks out her fabric.
She really likes pink : ) |
K reads. |
Here is my fabric! Well, the back of it... |
This is a really poor picture, but the only one I was
able to get at Hearts and Hands. It is a carpentry
shop where they teach deaf people the skills of
carpentry. They came and installed my newly,
handmade bed yesterday. I can't wait to share it
with you. They did a great job and were very kind. |
I am very excited about this! I designed this cabinet
to hide some ugly pipes in the bathroom (see below).
I told the guy what I wanted through an interpreter
(K) and I wasn't sure how he understood my idea. |
Ugly corner pipes. |
The solution! He understood pretty well, put a
Chinese twist to it, and here we go! No more pipes! |
We had new counter tops installed, but there was the problem of the pipes
again... SO, we had another cabinet built. |
The color doesn't match, mind you, but it is better than the alternative.
We just pretend it is a dishwasher : ) The counters turned out great.
No more white counters and white tiled floor. |
This guy was awesome and funny (but I don't think
he knows it). He installed our clothes racks, they don't
have dryers here (why???). This is a pretty great invention.
They are racks on a pulley system, so when you are done
hanging or using them, you just reel them out of
sight. Sort of hard to explain. I will try to get a picture soon. |
Thought I should mention the brand name of this great contraption...
'Good Wife'. We were thinking of writing the company and asking them
if they would consider calling it 'Good Husband'... |
I began the arduous task of cleaning the terrance... I only got half way by
the end of the day, but what a difference! I scrubbed all the green off
the green and yellow sponge. |
Ah, the curtain maker. What an adventure this was. Here everyone tries
to talk at once : ) |
No, he didn't hit us with that. |
Lah-ronda (that's what I've dubbed her). She matched her fabric. |
Here is a sneak peak at the fabric I chose. |
Mostly black and white with hints of muted yellow/mustard and purple/grey. |
Which one of these ugly ones would you chose? |
I decided on one of these...you'll have to wait for my room post to find out.
Oh, the suspense! |
Too many numbers and people and rooms and measurements.
Alas, I was not the one burdened with this task... Thank heavens. |
Well, all you fine folks, I hope you had quite a feast for your eyes. I am sure I have been taking photos non stop for you to get a visual tour of all of our happenings. Hope you're enjoying. There are more posts to come THIS WEEK: A rainy day, food, and moving. Once my room is semi-unpacked, I will show it to you.
Until Next Time,
Once I thought about things like: why such information is for free here? Because when you write a book then at least on selling a book you get a percentage. Thank you and good luck on informing people more about it! Kansas City Quartz